Anyway, Bukit Genting is a Thai Restaurant located uphill in Penang. Exactly where leh, dun ask me lah. Try asking Mr Google ya :)
In my humble opinion, the food is so-so jek. But the scenery is breathtaking. Sorry ah, we went at nite, dinner time. That time oredi dark dark take picture also no use becos we only have a compact camera with us. But the point of this post is not about food and scenery. It's about....
Tell me lah. When you see this signboard, what do you think?

Wrong lor. The arrow up literally means.. UP. So, when you look up, you can see...

Nearby the trees also got a few baby snakes hangin' around. Beware if anything drop on your head.. It's not always tree leaves.

Cute doe sei.
How crappy..
eat seh kang one izzit? u got masalah keseksualiti meh? eat so poe???
u went to the wrong place, izzit? dun tipu wor.. snake temple lei geh. ask for some 4 ekor nombor leh?
is that where u learn ur seh kuen?
gunipok, u think i eat ular perisa tongkat ali meh..
gargies, snake temple no snake one ok. got temple jek.
winn, yes, and my fu kuen, hock kuen, and the jui thong lorng kuen.
why is there a yatt tok see behind the snake in the first picture? that's what they serve u issit? their famous dish ah?
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