We pass thru Pringles! What should I do? One is ‘Once you pop, you can’t stop’, and the other one is just a hype like you see it in every blog. Decisions.. Decisions..
To be fair to both, I put both together to compare.
Newcomer Lurve now looks so small and pale. French Onion? France got H1N1 hor? Seaweed Mori? Wow, look at the sea pollution! Oil spills etc. No way I am touching the seaweed.
What no outside food allowed in the cinema? They got sell the sedaps Pringles meh?
How crappy..
Note: No Pringles or Lurve were harm during the selection process. But hearsay Lurve commited suicide 2 days later. Not my fault.
I'm not in Lurve, Pringles is my choice anytime....
(oopps...cham.... another suicidal attempt from Lurve again)
ok, thanks for such honest review. As u sinkar a lot, obviously I will go the opposite direction. So, KTIKAT is my choice.
Claire, nei jung jiew jor. Kwua kwua kwua...
how come only lurve and pringles? somemore so many other types out there? got twisties lah, got mammee lah, got chocolate lah, got fishball lah....aiyah, say until i start to drool lah. never try lurve, send me a pack and i'll tell you which one is better so that u will know which one to bring to cinema next time. sigh, the sacrifice i do for a friend.
I want Cheezels, BBQ flavour please!
in the interest of research, i bought a packet of lurve. and i definitely give it 2 thumbs up. will give more, but i only have 2 thumbs! it's crispy and grainy, and the seaweed is very yummy. u don't know what u lost! so sad. but not value for money loh. small small pack filled with air only.
claire, yit hei ah...
gunipok, KTIKAT from Poland that one ah?
me, u buy, u review. at no extra charges.
raynebow, cheezels mm heng jor. now heng o-ya!
me again, eat until bankrupt u dun cry.
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