Nolah.. Not any major decision but the choice between 2 sizes. Like Gunipok can't decide on her XXL or XXXL dress. Or Winn can't decide on her RM500 or RM50 bag. Anyway, the story is liddis..
That day I went to get a pair of shoes. Sales time is the best time to buy work apparels. So my selection was down to one nice pairs which doesn't have my size. Bummer!
Then I look around and saw another almost similar pair. The salegirl brought me 2 sizes, 8 and 9. I put on 8. Fits perfectly. I try 9. More comfortable. 8 or 9? 8 or 9? 8 or 9?
Try 8 again. Try 9 again. Can't decide as both doesn't make alot of difference. The salesgirl waited patiently. Ok, final decision. Size 9.
So the salesgirl proceed to pack my shoes and leave it on the cashier while we proceed to shop for other stuff. Finally we were done and proceed to make payment. The end.
I went home and unpack my shoes and guess what..?!

How crappy!
hahaha, perhaps the salesgirl purposely pulled this joke on u.. or ..on the positive side, perhaps she wanted to see u one more time... (u cute? handsome? cool?)
well, your pair of shoes reminded me of my son's new pair of sandals bought in JJ... when he wanted to wear them, he realized that both sandals were "left" side sandals! perhaps this "salesboy" wanted to see him again? no son said..hahaha...
Napek fesen! No shoe lace one? U born with two left feet u dunno meh?
Size 8 or 9 or 8 or 9.. wear peihai with khinzir lining go where? U kerja lap keyboard saja tau?
*mutter* say i ek ek el summo. Bedebah..cilako..
- I am shoe size 2, can beat that? huh? huh?
acherli 80% discount is like dat one la..wat u expect? sure got one fince print, non-returnable even if same side...
that's why you should have just bought the 2 sizes home.. whatfor want to think so long there? now faster go and buy the other side for both sizes before no more stock. and there you are, have 2 new pair of shoes, how nice.
gunipok, size 2? oh, u midget lei geh..
gunipok again, 79% jek..
GG, what a brilliant idea! u r a real economy booster.
so u went back and change for size 8 or size 9? the saleslady trying to give u chance to go back home and slow slow think it over, until the cows come home also nevermind. shld hv gone for size 8....will go looser over time mah, no meh?
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